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Singapore has begun rolling out Bluetooth-enabled tracking devices

2020-10-09 Editor:Super administratorSource:Original

TraceTogether token_Mobi.jpg

TraceTogether tokens are the government’s choice over smartphone contact tracing apps. They are intended for people who do not own or choose not to use a cell phone.

The device announcement has met with some privacy concerns in some quarters. The first batch of devices is distributed to vulnerable older people who have little or no family support or who have difficulty in walking. Tokens come with QR codes and do not require charging as they have a battery life of up to nine months. Devices work by the exchange of Bluetooth signals with other nearby TraceTogether tokens or smartphones that use TraceTogether app. Users will be notified by a contact tracing officer if they are found to be in close contact with someone infected with the coronavirus. If it is confirmed that they have a Covid-19 contract the data will be downloaded from the device.

Ministers have dismissed concerns raised over user privacy, saying they were not designed to mark human movement. The Singapore government has said the data collected by the devices will be encrypted and stored for a token for 25 days. Officials also said the data could not be accessed remotely as the tokens did not have internet or cellular power. Another feature highlighted by the government is that tokens do not have Global Positioning System (GPS) connections, so do not collect any location data.

The Singapore government has said that since launching its TraceTogether program in March it has been downloaded by an estimated 2.1 million people. Officials have said they need to increase significant participation in the TraceTogether program as Singapore has begun to open its economy. Earlier this month the Singapore government began reducing its so-called Circuit Breaker lockdown measures, including the opening of unnecessary stores and indoor food is also allowed in grocery stores.

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